
Indians Road Trip

The Indians left Cleveland on July 10 to do a little sight seeing!

Photo by Hannah Shafran

They like riding shotgun

They stopped in to see Mimi. She looks a little confused, because she has no idea why she's holding Jacobs Field to get her picture taken

They got to visit The Bear at Michelle's house, and then..............

They got to visit the Zoo!!

They found a new friend

Brent showed them the goats in the petting zoo

 Eli took them to lunch

But the Dino's were the hightlight of their day!

You who ride on white donkeys,
You who sit on rich carpets,
And you who travel on the road, ------- Sing!!
Judges 5:10


  1. Love it, little grasshopper! Looks like the Indians have had quite an adventure!
