
Why Cleaning Out My Closet Wasn't A Good Idea

I find myself engaged in the ever increasing struggle to control my closet. Yes, there are too many things in there, and while they all fit, they don't all "fit", you know? But the battle isn't against the size of my wardrobe.  I'm actually fighting against barreling down geezer road in there. 

 Elastic waists are so alluring. Fluffy pants are calling my name. Unstructured t-shirts and a full collection of "cruise wear" beckon me. 

I began a new decade on my last birthday, and it served to motivate me to take a critical look at the closet. I tossed all the dresses and pantyhose awhile ago and now I own a single pair of dress slacks, basic black, and everything else in there goes with jeans. 

In my earlier life, I pretty much lived in levi's and t's. And I find that for the most part, I've  gone back to the old reliable look. It's comfortable and familiar. The experts aren't ok with that. The experts say that you should never wear blue jeans after 53 years old. Yeah...

My jeans might be stretch denim, but they're not elastic waist and I try to stay stylish with my t's. A friend even made me one to match my bitmoji!! 
(Yeah. We'll call that stylish even though I'm sure the experts would not)

My grown daughters are my muses. I pay much closer attention than they realize to how they put outfits together and attempt age appropriate parroting. That usually works pretty well for me. 

I've also been considering doing the "Capsule Wardrobe" thing that's been so popular lately.  That would require some really heartless cleaning out.

With all of that in mind, I cleaned out the closet and drawers recently, and I actually got especially brutal with the scarves (which seem to accumulate because I live in cold weather) and socks. There were several things that I had been holding on to because I knew if I passed them along, I would need them. 

Even though all the experts say that if you haven't worn it in 5 minutes, it should be given away. 

But today, I found myself trying to get dressed for a somber occasion with a real problem, and realized

About a week ago, I tossed those drawers and reveled in the spare look of them!! And guess what I needed this morning!! A pair of socks to go with the black dress slacks and shoes that had survived the cut. The socks had been purged. *sigh*
So that's why I ended up wearing Easter egg socks and a scarf that was totally inappropriate. 

I managed the look by bunching up the scarf and sitting in a way that didn't show the socks. 

Obviously, age has sucked all good taste and appropriateness out of me. 

If you need me, I'll be out shopping for socks.   

She makes linen garments and sells them,
And supplies belts to the tradesmen.
Strength and dignity are her clothing,
And she smiles at the future.
She opens her mouth in wisdom, 
And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Proverbs 31:24-26

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