
Career Goals 10 on 10

I never claimed to be a Rhodes Scholar, but it wasn't until just recently that I realized I had accomplished my career goals. The fact that this realization took so many years to acknowledge is something I just choose to ignore. 

All I ever wanted in life was to be a wife to an amazing man, and mom to some amazing "Bigs", and then at the perfect time, to add a bunch of amazing "Littles" to the mix. Time spent with these short people is followed by everything except for spending time with Dude. That would be my more handsome half. He is "Dude". I am "Leelah", "Weewah", "Wee-aht", or "YA!", depending on which little is trying to get my attention.

Life would be perfect if ALL the "Bigs" and "Littles" lived in my town, but that is not the case. I do have a few here, though, so I enjoy regular time spent with the locals. That is what compromised most of my day. 

I have the most phenomenal career EVER!

Little #6 was born 3 weeks ago. He fits in quite nicely as my lock screen. Proves I got the 10th started very early. Or ended the 9th very late. Whatever........

Another new family member returned with me from South Carolina just a week ago. This is Jack. 

Meet little #2, Prince "My shoes ARE on the right feet", and little #5, Prince peel a lot. Everything that can be peeled, must be peeled. Crayons, sandwiches.....

On the way home from a quick shopping stop, we enjoyed the flower baskets along Main St. It's officially summer!!

"Bob" is learning all about cars.....

....and getting a little love."Bob" was kidnapped earlier in the year. A full accounting of his adventures since February will be documented at another time, but I assure you, he's had a wonderful time, and no ransom will be demanded for his return.

Today, the boys learned a little about the finer points of tossing water balloons. 

The day ended with a nice picnic on the porch. 

And a rousing tune on the garden chimes.

And now it's time for a little finish work on the latest decor project.

One of the questions I often ask the littles is "are you having a good day?" In fact, some claim I ask it TOO often! But this was a good day.

For everything created by God is good, 
and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; 
for it is sanctified by means of the Word of God and prayer.
1 Tim. 4:3-5