
Who IS That Woman!!??

Have you seen that commercial that features a forensic artist drawing women as they described themselves, and then drawing them again as someone else described them? He never saw their faces and worked solely off the descriptions. There were startling differences in the two drawings of the same women! It served to illustrate that most of us don’t see ourselves as the world does. For most, the misconceptions run the gamut!

How do you see yourself? I really miss my daughters now that they’re out on their own. One was especially good at helping me to know when to re-think my look. When I heard “Is that what you’re wearing?” I knew it was time to go change. And more often than not these days, I look down at what I have on, or catch a glimpse in the car mirror after I’ve left the house only to hear the voice in my head scream “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!?”  

But, wait. I’m digressing to a whole ‘nother blog entry! That will have to wait until later.

So, I was looking at a picture of several of our family members around a fire pit at the beach and couldn’t figure out who the woman in the center of the picture was. It was a candid shot, and so she was in profile. I racked my brain for several minutes and for the life of me couldn’t remember anyone outside of our extended family that had been there that evening. Who was she?

I finally showed the picture to my handsome half and he started to laugh. “It’s you.” (Yeah, the ‘moron’ was simply implied.) Nuh stinking uh! Really? When did THAT happen!!? The woman who sat in that picture had ‘light’ colored hair (if you know what I mean) and was completely unrecognizable. Wow.

I’ll admit to passing a mirror in a store and saying ‘excuse me’ before catching myself. On the outside, I’m white haired, and a little dumpy. But inside my head, I’m still dark haired with an athletic build. Perhaps it’s time to get rid of mirrors altogether………………..

  A gray head is a crown of glory;
It is found in the way of righteousness
Prov. 16:31


  1. You write so well! It's a pleasure to read. :-) I had to laugh, my oldest daughter often says the same thing to me -- "is that what you're wearing?!?" Wait a minute. When did I apparently lose my sense of style?

  2. You're too young to have already lost your sense of style!! I think that's a status you have to earn!
